December 2, 2014 Home decorating
minimalist-style rooms are characterized by a type of decoration that follows the principles characteristic of an architectural trend that stands out for its simplicity and simplicity. colors neutral and pure, geometrical simple, material noble lines, absence of decorative elements… are some of the factors that define minimalism. We show you some simple ideas that will serve to decorate a minimalist room
-White is the color characteristic minimalist decoration, you can use all their shades to give a more personal touch. In addition, in the contemporary style of minimalism colors as red blocks are used to contrast with the more neutral tones
-furniture for minimalist spaces must have pure geometric shapes, straight lines and noble materials. also, they will be low-rise white shades in furniture
-the textiles used are completely smooth away from any striking pattern. This serves to create a more modern and sophisticated look
-minimalist style highlights architectural details above the decorative elements of a stay, so it is important that the space is not recharged by ornaments that do not have a specific function
-moderation is the key factor to make a room look minimalist style. It uses the minimum possible elements and dispenses with all the furniture and accessories that are unnecessary
-keep the well-ordered stay is the best way to get that it always project a minimalist style