A Colorful Apartment in Belo Horizonte is a residential project created by 2arquitetos.
It is situated in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
A Colorful Apartment in Belo Horizonte by 2arquitetos:
Developed by 2arquitetos (2arquitetos.arq.br), an architectural office managed by Celeno Ivanovo and Luiz Henrique Ribeiro, for an artwork collector and lover of powerful colors, this apartment was completely modified throughout the building of this constructing in order to contemplate her necessities and characteristics. The developed-in kitchen and fairly wide rooms, where can be showed her artwork collection, are some examples.
The first effect can be observed at the elevator’s hall, where a colossal pivoted door divides the hall from the broad living room. Getting composed by 3 sheets, with 1,5 meters (49 feet) every single, this pivoted door was made exclusively for this apartment.
The inspiration comes from the “Marquesa” bench, signed by Oscar Niemeyer, produced of rosewood and normal straw. The door follows the supplies and colours of the marquesa, and was produced in demolition rosewood and the identical straw of the marquesa’s seat. One particular sheet hides the restroom, manufactured of robust red limestone.
Presently in the entrance, a sample of the art assortment. Soon after the Sônia Ebling’s sculpture, there is the Marquesa bench and a substantial variety of performs on the walls and pedestals.
Not only the restroom has sturdy colours. For the developed-in kitchen, we select a apple-green limestone, and numerous woodworks in purple and green tones.
The furnishing and carpets are yet another highlight spot. Apart from a lot of oriental carpets, there is a unique Odergard. Between furniture, aside from Niemeyer’s signed Marquesa bench, we have icons of national and worldwide furnishing, like the chairs Cesca of Marcel Breuer at the veranda, the armchair Donna of Gaetano Pesce, the armchair Esfera, created by the brasilian Ricardo Fasanello, the armchairs LC of Le Corbusier and the Maggiolina, created by Marco Zanusco.
The lining was created in different amounts, in buy to mask the reduced Height and, specifically, to highlight the entrance door and the Niemeyer’s Marquesa bench.
Add to all these items a magnificent see to the wooded community (not by opportunity called “Cidade Jardim” – garden City) and to the mountains, really standard of Belo Horizonte.
Images by: Daniel Mansur
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