Yo readers! What&#8217s up!? Evidently a lot because we&#8217ve been acquiring bombarded with inquiries about our horror display e mail subscriptions to decor8 through Feedburner! Eek! Evidently our everyday digest is crashing Outlook for lots of readers and pictures are missing, etc. We have NO CLUE why but we&#8217re doing work on solving the issue (I have tech help all up in it!) but until finally we do, please stick to decor8 above at Bloglovin&#8217 so you don&#8217t miss a post.

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After this has been dealt with, I will let you know so you can resubscribe to our everyday newsletter. Oh and very quickly we&#8217re rolling out an all new decor8, so you don&#8217t want to miss it &#8211 it&#8217s gonna be SO good.

Really sorry for any inconvenience, gang! See you more than on Bloglovin&#8217 for now&#8230




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